path: root/utils/raspberrypi/ctt/
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1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/raspberrypi/ctt/ b/utils/raspberrypi/ctt/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd798f4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/raspberrypi/ctt/
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
+# Copyright (C) 2019, Raspberry Pi (Trading) Limited
+# - camera tuning tool for GEQ (green equalisation)
+from ctt_tools import *
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import scipy.optimize as optimize
+Uses green differences in macbeth patches to fit green equalisation threshold
+model. Ideally, all macbeth chart centres would fall below the threshold as
+these should be corrected by geq.
+def geq_fit(Cam,plot):
+ imgs = Cam.imgs
+ """
+ green equalisation to mitigate mazing.
+ Fits geq model by looking at difference
+ between greens in macbeth patches
+ """
+ geqs = np.array([ geq(Cam,Img)*Img.againQ8_norm for Img in imgs ])
+ Cam.log += '\nProcessed all images'
+ geqs = geqs.reshape((-1,2))
+ """
+ data is sorted by green difference and top half is selected since higher
+ green difference data define the decision boundary.
+ """
+ geqs = np.array(sorted(geqs,key = lambda r:np.abs((r[1]-r[0])/r[0])))
+ length = len(geqs)
+ g0 = geqs[length//2:,0]
+ g1 = geqs[length//2:,1]
+ gdiff = np.abs(g0-g1)
+ """
+ find linear fit by minimising asymmetric least square errors
+ in order to cover most of the macbeth images.
+ the philosophy here is that every macbeth patch should fall within the
+ threshold, hence the upper bound approach
+ """
+ def f(params):
+ m,c = params
+ a = gdiff - (m*g0+c)
+ """
+ asymmetric square error returns:
+ 1.95 * a**2 if a is positive
+ 0.05 * a**2 if a is negative
+ """
+ return(np.sum(a**2+0.95*np.abs(a)*a))
+ initial_guess = [0.01,500]
+ """
+ Nelder-Mead is usually not the most desirable optimisation method
+ but has been chosen here due to its robustness to undifferentiability
+ (is that a word?)
+ """
+ result = optimize.minimize(f,initial_guess,method='Nelder-Mead')
+ """
+ need to check if the fit worked correectly
+ """
+ if result.success:
+ slope,offset = result.x
+ Cam.log += '\nFit result: slope = {:.5f} '.format(slope)
+ Cam.log += 'offset = {}'.format(int(offset))
+ """
+ optional plotting code
+ """
+ if plot:
+ x = np.linspace(max(g0)*1.1,100)
+ y = slope*x + offset
+ plt.title('GEQ Asymmetric \'Upper Bound\' Fit')
+ plt.plot(x,y,color='red',ls='--',label='fit')
+ plt.scatter(g0,gdiff,color='b',label='data')
+ plt.ylabel('Difference in green channels')
+ plt.xlabel('Green value')
+ """
+ This upper bound asymmetric gives correct order of magnitude values.
+ The pipeline approximates a 1st derivative of a gaussian with some
+ linear piecewise functions, introducing arbitrary cutoffs. For
+ pessimistic geq, the model parameters have been increased by a
+ scaling factor/constant.
+ Feel free to tune these or edit the json files directly if you
+ belive there are still mazing effects left (threshold too low) or if you
+ think it is being overcorrected (threshold too high).
+ We have gone for a one size fits most approach that will produce
+ acceptable results in most applications.
+ """
+ slope *= 1.5
+ offset += 201
+ Cam.log += '\nFit after correction factors: slope = {:.5f}'.format(slope)
+ Cam.log += ' offset = {}'.format(int(offset))
+ """
+ clamp offset at 0 due to pipeline considerations
+ """
+ if offset < 0:
+ Cam.log += '\nOffset raised to 0'
+ offset = 0
+ """
+ optional plotting code
+ """
+ if plot:
+ y2 = slope*x + offset
+ plt.plot(x,y2,color='green',ls='--',label='scaled fit')
+ plt.grid()
+ plt.legend()
+ """
+ the case where for some reason the fit didn't work correctly
+ Transpose data and then least squares linear fit. Transposing data
+ makes it robust to many patches where green difference is the same
+ since they only contribute to one error minimisation, instead of dragging
+ the entire linear fit down.
+ """
+ else:
+ print('\nError! Couldn\'t fit asymmetric lest squares')
+ print(result.message)
+ Cam.log += '\nWARNING: Asymmetric least squares fit failed! '
+ Cam.log += 'Standard fit used could possibly lead to worse results'
+ fit = np.polyfit(gdiff,g0,1)
+ offset,slope = -fit[1]/fit[0],1/fit[0]
+ Cam.log += '\nFit result: slope = {:.5f} '.format(slope)
+ Cam.log += 'offset = {}'.format(int(offset))
+ """
+ optional plotting code
+ """
+ if plot:
+ x = np.linspace(max(g0)*1.1,100)
+ y = slope*x + offset
+ plt.title('GEQ Linear Fit')
+ plt.plot(x,y,color='red',ls='--',label='fit')
+ plt.scatter(g0,gdiff,color='b',label='data')
+ plt.ylabel('Difference in green channels')
+ plt.xlabel('Green value')
+ """
+ Scaling factors (see previous justification)
+ The model here will not be an upper bound so scaling factors have
+ been increased.
+ This method of deriving geq model parameters is extremely arbitrary
+ and undesirable.
+ """
+ slope *= 2.5
+ offset += 301
+ Cam.log += '\nFit after correction factors: slope = {:.5f}'.format(slope)
+ Cam.log += ' offset = {}'.format(int(offset))
+ if offset < 0:
+ Cam.log += '\nOffset raised to 0'
+ offset = 0
+ """
+ optional plotting code
+ """
+ if plot:
+ y2 = slope*x + offset
+ plt.plot(x,y2,color='green',ls='--',label='scaled fit')
+ plt.legend()
+ plt.grid()
+ return round(slope,5),int(offset)
+Return green channels of macbeth patches
+returns g0,g1 where
+> g0 is green next to red
+> g1 is green next to blue
+def geq(Cam,Img):
+ Cam.log += '\nProcessing image {}'.format(
+ patches = [Img.patches[i] for i in Img.order][1:3]
+ g_patches = np.array([(np.mean(patches[0][i]),np.mean(patches[1][i])) for i in range(24)])
+ Cam.log += '\n'
+ return(g_patches)