path: root/test/serialization/serialization_test.cpp
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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
 * Copyright (C) 2020, Google Inc.
 * ipu3.cpp - IPU3 Image Processing Algorithms

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include <linux/intel-ipu3.h>
#include <linux/v4l2-controls.h>

#include <libcamera/base/log.h>

#include <libcamera/control_ids.h>
#include <libcamera/framebuffer.h>
#include <libcamera/ipa/ipa_interface.h>
#include <libcamera/ipa/ipa_module_info.h>
#include <libcamera/ipa/ipu3_ipa_interface.h>
#include <libcamera/request.h>

#include "libcamera/internal/mapped_framebuffer.h"

#include "algorithms/agc.h"
#include "algorithms/algorithm.h"
#include "algorithms/awb.h"
#include "algorithms/tone_mapping.h"
#include "libipa/camera_sensor_helper.h"

 * \file ipa_context.h
 * \brief Context and state information shared between the algorithms

 * \struct IPASessionConfiguration
 * \brief Session configuration for the IPA module
 * The session configuration contains all IPA configuration parameters that
 * remain constant during the capture session, from IPA module start to stop.
 * It is typically set during the configure() operation of the IPA module, but
 * may also be updated in the start() operation.

 * \struct IPAFrameContext
 * \brief Per-frame context for algorithms
 * The frame context stores data specific to a single frame processed by the
 * IPA. Each frame processed by the IPA has a context associated with it,
 * accessible through the IPAContext structure.
 * \todo Detail how to access contexts for a particular frame
 * Each of the fields in the frame context belongs to either a specific
 * algorithm, or to the top-level IPA module. A field may be read by any
 * algorithm, but should only be written by its owner.

 * \struct IPAContext
 * \brief Global IPA context data shared between all algorithms
 * \var IPAContext::configuration
 * \brief The IPA session configuration, immutable during the session
 * \var IPAContext::frameContext
 * \brief The frame context for the frame being processed
 * \todo While the frame context is supposed to be per-frame, this
 * single frame context stores data related to both the current frame
 * and the previous frames, with fields being updated as the algorithms
 * are run. This needs to be turned into real per-frame data storage.

 * \struct IPASessionConfiguration::grid
 * \brief Grid configuration of the IPA
 * \var IPASessionConfiguration::grid::bdsGrid
 * \brief Bayer Down Scaler grid plane config used by the kernel
 * \var IPASessionConfiguration::grid::bdsOutputSize
 * \brief BDS output size configured by the pipeline handler

 * \struct IPAFrameContext::agc
 * \brief Context for the Automatic Gain Control algorithm
 * The exposure and gain determined are expected to be applied to the sensor
 * at the earliest opportunity.
 * \var IPAFrameContext::agc::exposure
 * \brief Exposure time expressed as a number of lines
 * \var IPAFrameContext::agc::gain
 * \brief Analogue gain multiplier
 * The gain should be adapted to the sensor specific gain code before applying.

 * \struct IPAFrameContext::awb
 * \brief Context for the Automatic White Balance algorithm
 * \struct IPAFrameContext::awb::gains
 * \brief White balance gains
 * \var IPAFrameContext::awb::gains::red
 * \brief White balance gain for R channel
 * \var IPAFrameContext::awb::gains::green
 * \brief White balance gain for G channel
 * \var IPAFrameContext::awb::gains::blue
 * \brief White balance gain for B channel

 * \struct IPAFrameContext::toneMapping
 * \brief Context for ToneMapping and Gamma control
 * \var IPAFrameContext::toneMapping::gammaCorrection
 * \brief Per-pixel tone mapping implemented as a LUT
 * The LUT structure is defined by the IPU3 kernel interface. See
 * <linux/intel-ipu3.h> struct ipu3_uapi_gamma_corr_lut for further details.

static constexpr uint32_t kMaxCellWidthPerSet = 160;
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxCellHeightPerSet = 56;

namespace libcamera {


namespace ipa::ipu3 {

class IPAIPU3 : public IPAIPU3Interface
	int init(const IPASettings &settings,
		 const IPACameraSensorInfo &sensorInfo,
		 const ControlInfoMap &sensorControls,
		 ControlInfoMap *ipaControls) override;

	int start() override;
	void stop() override {}

	int configure(const IPAConfigInfo &configInfo) override;

	void mapBuffers(const std::vector<IPABuffer> &buffers) override;
	void unmapBuffers(const std::vector<unsigned int> &ids) override;
	void processEvent(const IPU3Event &event) override;

	void processControls(unsigned int frame, const ControlList &controls);
	void fillParams(unsigned int frame, ipu3_uapi_params *params);
	void parseStatistics(unsigned int frame,
			     int64_t frameTimestamp,
			     const ipu3_uapi_stats_3a *stats);

	void setControls(unsigned int frame);
	void calculateBdsGrid(const Size &bdsOutputSize);

	std::map<unsigned int, MappedFrameBuffer> buffers_;

	ControlInfoMap ctrls_;

	IPACameraSensorInfo sensorInfo_;

	/* Camera sensor controls. */
	uint32_t defVBlank_;
	uint32_t exposure_;
	uint32_t minExposure_;
	uint32_t maxExposure_;
	uint32_t gain_;
	uint32_t minGain_;
	uint32_t maxGain_;

	/* Interface to the Camera Helper */
	std::unique_ptr<CameraSensorHelper> camHelper_;

	/* Maintain the algorithms used by the IPA */
	std::list<std::unique_ptr<ipa::ipu3::Algorithm>> algorithms_;

	/* Local parameter storage */
	struct IPAContext context_;

 * Initialize the IPA module and its controls.
 * This function receives the camera sensor information from the pipeline
 * handler, computes the limits of the controls it handles and returns
 * them in the \a ipaControls output parameter.
int IPAIPU3::init(const IPASettings &settings,
		  const IPACameraSensorInfo &sensorInfo,
		  const ControlInfoMap &sensorControls,
		  ControlInfoMap *ipaControls)
	camHelper_ = CameraSensorHelperFactory::create(settings.sensorModel);
	if (camHelper_ == nullptr) {
		LOG(IPAIPU3, Error)
			<< "Failed to create camera sensor helper for "
			<< settings.sensorModel;
		return -ENODEV;

	/* Initialize Controls. */
	ControlInfoMap::Map controls{};

	 * Compute exposure time limits.
	 * Initialize the control using the line length and pixel rate of the
	 * current configuration converted to microseconds. Use the
	 * V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE control to get exposure min, max and default and
	 * convert it from lines to microseconds.
	double lineDuration = sensorInfo.lineLength / (sensorInfo.pixelRate / 1e6);
	const ControlInfo &v4l2Exposure = sensorControls.find(V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE)->second;
	int32_t minExposure = v4l2Exposure.min().get<int32_t>() * lineDuration;
	int32_t maxExposure = v4l2Exposure.max().get<int32_t>() * lineDuration;
	int32_t defExposure = v4l2Exposure.def().get<int32_t>() * lineDuration;
	controls[&controls::ExposureTime] = ControlInfo(minExposure, maxExposure,

	 * Compute the frame duration limits.
	 * The frame length is computed assuming a fixed line length combined
	 * with the vertical frame sizes.
	const ControlInfo &v4l2HBlank = sensorControls.find(V4L2_CID_HBLANK)->second;
	uint32_t hblank = v4l2HBlank.def().get<int32_t>();
	uint32_t lineLength = sensorInfo.outputSize.width + hblank;

	const ControlInfo &v4l2VBlank = sensorControls.find(V4L2_CID_VBLANK)->second;
	std::array<uint32_t, 3> frameHeights{
		v4l2VBlank.min().get<int32_t>() + sensorInfo.outputSize.height,
		v4l2VBlank.max().get<int32_t>() + sensorInfo.outputSize.height,
		v4l2VBlank.def().get<int32_t>() + sensorInfo.outputSize.height,

	std::array<int64_t, 3> frameDurations;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < frameHeights.size(); ++i) {
		uint64_t frameSize = lineLength * frameHeights[i];
		frameDurations[i] = frameSize / (sensorInfo.pixelRate / 1000000U);

	controls[&controls::FrameDurationLimits] = ControlInfo(frameDurations[0],

	*ipaControls = ControlInfoMap(std::move(controls), controls::controls);

	/* Construct our Algorithms */

	return 0;

int IPAIPU3::start()

	return 0;

 * This function calculates a grid for the AWB algorithm in the IPU3 firmware.
 * Its input is the BDS output size calculated in the ImgU.
 * It is limited for now to the simplest method: find the lesser error
 * with the width/height and respective log2 width/height of the cells.
 * \todo The frame is divided into cells which can be 8x8 => 128x128.
 * As a smaller cell improves the algorithm precision, adapting the