path: root/src/qcam/assets/feathericons/chevrons-up.svg
diff options
authorDavid Plowman <>2021-07-07 14:40:51 +0100
committerLaurent Pinchart <>2021-07-12 20:45:42 +0300
commiteb9a539938c38b53f87c253884b2d94c7466b2d4 (patch)
tree68ee47308d4931c97f9c62cdd11333a789626643 /src/qcam/assets/feathericons/chevrons-up.svg
parentd6d4710d047528a60c5e436c9bd0b29301c40f3c (diff)
libcamera: raspberrypi: Allow the tuning file to be set by an environment variable
The configuration (camera tuning) file used by the Raspberry Pi comes by default from the sensor name. However, we now allow this to be overridden by the LIBCAMERA_RPI_TUNING_FILE environment variable. Signed-off-by: David Plowman <> Reviewed-by: Sebastian Fricke <> Reviewed-by: Naushir Patuck <> Reviewed-by: Kieran Bingham <> Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <> Signed-off-by: Laurent Pinchart <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/qcam/assets/feathericons/chevrons-up.svg')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
'#n197'>197 198 199 200
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
 * Copyright (C) 2021, Ideas On Board
 * ipu3_agc.cpp - AGC/AEC control algorithm

#include "agc.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>

#include <libcamera/base/log.h>

#include <libcamera/ipa/core_ipa_interface.h>

#include "libipa/histogram.h"

namespace libcamera {

using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;

namespace ipa::ipu3::algorithms {


/* Number of frames to wait before calculating stats on minimum exposure */
static constexpr uint32_t kInitialFrameMinAECount = 4;
/* Number of frames to wait between new gain/exposure estimations */
static constexpr uint32_t kFrameSkipCount = 6;

/* Maximum ISO value for analogue gain */
static constexpr uint32_t kMinISO = 100;
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxISO = 1500;

/* Maximum analogue gain value
 * \todo grab it from a camera helper */
static constexpr uint32_t kMinGain = kMinISO / 100;
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxGain = kMaxISO / 100;

/* \todo use calculated value based on sensor */
static constexpr uint32_t kMinExposure = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxExposure = 1976;

/* Histogram constants */
static constexpr uint32_t knumHistogramBins = 256;
static constexpr double kEvGainTarget = 0.5;

/* A cell is 8 bytes and contains averages for RGB values and saturation ratio */
static constexpr uint8_t kCellSize = 8;

	: frameCount_(0), lastFrame_(0), iqMean_(0.0), lineDuration_(0s),
	  maxExposureTime_(0s), prevExposure_(0s), prevExposureNoDg_(0s),
	  currentExposure_(0s), currentExposureNoDg_(0s)

int Agc::configure([[maybe_unused]] IPAContext &context,
		   const IPAConfigInfo &configInfo)
	lineDuration_ = configInfo.sensorInfo.lineLength * 1.0s
		      / configInfo.sensorInfo.pixelRate;
	maxExposureTime_ = kMaxExposure * lineDuration_;

	return 0;

void Agc::processBrightness(const ipu3_uapi_stats_3a *stats,
			    const ipu3_uapi_grid_config &grid)
	const struct ipu3_uapi_grid_config statsAeGrid = stats->stats_4a_config.awb_config.grid;
	Rectangle aeRegion = { statsAeGrid.x_start,
			       static_cast<unsigned int>(statsAeGrid.x_end - statsAeGrid.x_start) + 1,
			       static_cast<unsigned int>(statsAeGrid.y_end - statsAeGrid.y_start) + 1 };
	Point topleft = aeRegion.topLeft();
	int topleftX = topleft.x >> grid.block_width_log2;
	int topleftY = topleft.y >> grid.block_height_log2;

	/* Align to the grid cell width and height */
	uint32_t startX = topleftX << grid.block_width_log2;
	uint32_t startY = topleftY * grid.width << grid.block_width_log2;
	uint32_t endX = (startX + (aeRegion.size().width >> grid.block_width_log2)) << grid.block_width_log2;
	uint32_t i, j;
	uint32_t count = 0;

	uint32_t hist[knumHistogramBins] = { 0 };
	for (j = topleftY;
	     j < topleftY + (aeRegion.size().height >> grid.block_height_log2);
	     j++) {
		for (i = startX + startY; i < endX + startY; i += kCellSize) {
			 * The grid width (and maybe height) is not reliable.
			 * We observed a bit shift which makes the value 160 to be 32 in the stats grid.
			 * Use the one passed at init time.
			if (stats->awb_raw_buffer.meta_data[i + 4 + j * grid.width] == 0) {
				uint8_t Gr = stats->awb_raw_buffer.meta_data[i + 0 + j * grid.width];
				uint8_t Gb = stats->awb_raw_buffer.meta_data[i + 3 + j * grid.width];
				hist[(Gr + Gb) / 2]++;

	/* Estimate the quantile mean of the top 2% of the histogram */
	iqMean_ = Histogram(Span<uint32_t>(hist)).interQuantileMean(0.98, 1.0);

void Agc::filterExposure()
	double speed = 0.2;
	if (prevExposure_ == 0s) {
		/* DG stands for digital gain.*/
		prevExposure_ = currentExposure_;
		prevExposureNoDg_ = currentExposureNoDg_;
	} else {
		 * If we are close to the desired result, go faster to avoid making
		 * multiple micro-adjustments.
		 * \ todo: Make this customisable?
		if (prevExposure_ < 1.2 * currentExposure_ &&
		    prevExposure_ > 0.8 * currentExposure_)
			speed = sqrt(speed);

		prevExposure_ = speed * currentExposure_ +
				prevExposure_ * (1.0 - speed);
		prevExposureNoDg_ = speed * currentExposureNoDg_ +
				prevExposureNoDg_ * (1.0 - speed);
	 * We can't let the no_dg exposure deviate too far below the
	 * total exposure, as there might not be enough digital gain available
	 * in the ISP to hide it (which will cause nasty oscillation).
	double fastReduceThreshold = 0.4;
	if (prevExposureNoDg_ <
	    prevExposure_ * fastReduceThreshold)
		prevExposureNoDg_ = prevExposure_ * fastReduceThreshold;
	LOG(IPU3Agc, Debug) << "After filtering, total_exposure " << prevExposure_;

void Agc::lockExposureGain(uint32_t &exposure, double &gain)
	/* Algorithm initialization should wait for first valid frames */
	/* \todo - have a number of frames given by DelayedControls ?
	 * - implement a function for IIR */
	if ((frameCount_ < kInitialFrameMinAECount) || (frameCount_ - lastFrame_ < kFrameSkipCount))

	/* Are we correctly exposed ? */
	if (std::abs(iqMean_ - kEvGainTarget * knumHistogramBins) <= 1) {
		LOG(IPU3Agc, Debug) << "!!! Good exposure with iqMean = " << iqMean_;
	} else {
		double newGain = kEvGainTarget * knumHistogramBins / iqMean_;

		/* extracted from Rpi::Agc::computeTargetExposure */