path: root/src/qcam/assets/feathericons/anchor.svg
diff options
authorNiklas Söderlund <>2020-07-27 22:46:05 +0200
committerNiklas Söderlund <>2020-08-05 20:07:13 +0200
commit53d38b19ed5b2650ad419db9cd91cf9d3392c877 (patch)
treea6db884cc85a6eafa1b6f068ff4095d384bd25db /src/qcam/assets/feathericons/anchor.svg
parent75a9aebee593e5fe824a09bd9682c1571aa0e4ab (diff)
libcamera: pipeline: uvcvideo: Generate unique camera names
Generate camera names that are unique and persistent between system resets. The name is constructed from the USB device information as well as the USB controller on the host. Before this change example of camera names: Venus USB2.0 Camera: Venus USB2 Logitech Webcam C930e After this change the same cameras are: \_SB_.PCI0.RP05.PXSX-2.1.1:1.0-0ac8:3420 \_SB_.PCI0.RP05.PXSX-2.4:1.0-046d:0843 On OF-based system: /base/soc/usb@7e980000/usb-port@1-1.2:1.0-0ac8:3420 Signed-off-by: Niklas Söderlund <> Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/qcam/assets/feathericons/anchor.svg')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
n206'>206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# Copyright (C) 2019, Google Inc.
# Author: Laurent Pinchart <>
# - Generate control definitions from YAML

import argparse
from functools import reduce
import operator
import string
import sys
import yaml
import os

class ControlEnum(object):
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.__data = data

    def description(self):
        """The enum description"""
        return self.__data.get('description')

    def name(self):
        """The enum name"""
        return self.__data.get('name')

    def value(self):
        """The enum value"""
        return self.__data.get('value')

class Control(object):
    def __init__(self, name, data, vendor):
        self.__name = name
        self.__data = data
        self.__enum_values = None
        self.__size = None
        self.__vendor = vendor

        enum_values = data.get('enum')
        if enum_values is not None:
            self.__enum_values = [ControlEnum(enum) for enum in enum_values]

        size = self.__data.get('size')
        if size is not None:
            if len(size) == 0:
                raise RuntimeError(f'Control `{self.__name}` size must have at least one dimension')

            # Compute the total number of elements in the array. If any of the
            # array dimension is a string, the array is variable-sized.
            num_elems = 1
            for dim in size:
                if type(dim) is str:
                    num_elems = 0

                dim = int(dim)
                if dim <= 0:
                    raise RuntimeError(f'Control `{self.__name}` size must have positive values only')

                num_elems *= dim

            self.__size = num_elems

    def description(self):
        """The control description"""
        return self.__data.get('description')

    def enum_values(self):
        """The enum values, if the control is an enumeration"""
        if self.__enum_values is None:
        for enum in self.__enum_values:
            yield enum

    def is_enum(self):
        """Is the control an enumeration"""
        return self.__enum_values is not None

    def vendor(self):
        """The vendor string, or None"""
        return self.__vendor

    def name(self):
        """The control name (CamelCase)"""
        return self.__name

    def type(self):
        typ = self.__data.get('type')
        size = self.__data.get('size')

        if typ == 'string':
            return 'std::string'

        if self.__size is None:
            return typ

        if self.__size:
            return f"Span<const {typ}, {self.__size}>"
            return f"Span<const {typ}>"

def snake_case(s):
    return ''.join([c.isupper() and ('_' + c) or c for c in s]).strip('_')

def format_description(description):
    description = description.strip('\n').split('\n')
    description[0] = '\\brief ' + description[0]
    return '\n'.join([(line and ' * ' or ' *') + line for line in description])

def generate_cpp(controls):
    enum_doc_start_template = string.Template('''/**
 * \\enum ${name}Enum
 * \\brief Supported ${name} values''')
    enum_doc_value_template = string.Template(''' * \\var ${value}
    doc_template = string.Template('''/**
 * \\var ${name}
    def_template = string.Template('extern const Control<${type}> ${name}(${id_name}, "${name}");')
    enum_values_doc = string.Template('''/**
 * \\var ${name}Values
 * \\brief List of all $name supported values
    enum_values_start = string.Template('''extern const std::array<const ControlValue, ${size}> ${name}Values = {''')
    enum_values_values = string.Template('''\tstatic_cast<int32_t>(${name}),''')

    ctrls_doc = {}
    ctrls_def = {}
    ctrls_map = []

    for ctrl in controls:
        id_name = snake_case(

        vendor = ctrl.vendor
        if vendor not in ctrls_doc:
            ctrls_doc[vendor] = []
            ctrls_def[vendor] = []

        info = {
            'type': ctrl.type,
            'description': format_description(ctrl.description),
            'id_name': id_name,

        target_doc = ctrls_doc[vendor]
        target_def = ctrls_def[vendor]

        if ctrl.is_enum:
            enum_doc = []

            num_entries = 0
            for enum in ctrl.enum_values:
                value_info = {
                    'description': format_description(enum.description),
                num_entries += 1

            enum_doc = '\n *\n'.join(enum_doc)
            enum_doc += '\n */'

            values_info = {
                'name': info['name'],
                'size': num_entries,
            for enum in ctrl.enum_values:
                value_info = {


        vendor_ns = vendor + '::' if vendor != "libcamera" else ''
        ctrls_map.append('\t{ ' + vendor_ns + id_name + ', &' + vendor_ns + + ' },')

    vendor_ctrl_doc_sub = []
    vendor_ctrl_template = string.Template('''
 * \\brief Namespace for ${vendor} controls
namespace ${vendor} {


} /* namespace ${vendor} */''')

    for vendor in [v for v in ctrls_doc.keys() if v not in ['libcamera']]:
        vendor_ctrl_doc_sub.append(vendor_ctrl_template.substitute({'vendor': vendor, 'vendor_controls_str': '\n\n'.join(ctrls_doc[vendor])}))

    vendor_ctrl_def_sub = []
    for vendor in [v for v in ctrls_def.keys() if v not in ['libcamera']]:
        vendor_ctrl_def_sub.append(vendor_ctrl_template.substitute({'vendor': vendor, 'vendor_controls_str': '\n'.join(ctrls_def[vendor])}))

    return {
        'controls_doc': '\n\n'.join(ctrls_doc['libcamera']),
        'controls_def': '\n'.join(ctrls_def['libcamera']),
        'controls_map': '\n'.join(ctrls_map),
        'vendor_controls_doc': '\n'.join(vendor_ctrl_doc_sub),
        'vendor_controls_def': '\n'.join(vendor_ctrl_def_sub),

def generate_h(controls, mode, ranges):
    enum_template_start = string.Template('''enum ${name}Enum {''')
    enum_value_template = string.Template('''\t${name} = ${value},''')
    enum_values_template = string.Template('''extern const std::array<const ControlValue, ${size}> ${name}Values;''')
    template = string.Template('''extern const Control<${type}> ${name};''')

    ctrls = {}
    ids = {}
    id_value = {}

    for ctrl in controls:
        id_name = snake_case(

        vendor = ctrl.vendor
        if vendor not in ctrls:
            if vendor not in ranges.keys():
                raise RuntimeError(f'Control id range is not defined for vendor {vendor}')
            id_value[vendor] = ranges[vendor] + 1
            ids[vendor] = []
            ctrls[vendor] = []

        target_ids = ids[vendor]
        target_ids.append('\t' + id_name + ' = ' + str(id_value[vendor]) + ',')

        info = {
            'type': ctrl.type,

        target_ctrls = ctrls[vendor]

        if ctrl.is_enum:

            num_entries = 0
            for enum in ctrl.enum_values:
                value_info = {
                    'value': enum.value,
                num_entries += 1

            values_info = {
                'name': info['name'],
                'size': num_entries,

        id_value[vendor] += 1

    vendor_template = string.Template('''
namespace ${vendor} {

#define LIBCAMERA_HAS_${vendor_def}_VENDOR_${mode}

enum {


} /* namespace ${vendor} */

    vendor_sub = []
    for vendor in [v for v in ctrls.keys() if v != 'libcamera']:
        vendor_sub.append(vendor_template.substitute({'mode': mode.upper(),
                                                      'vendor': vendor,
                                                      'vendor_def': vendor.upper(),
                                                      'vendor_enums': '\n'.join(ids[vendor]),
                                                      'vendor_controls': '\n'.join(ctrls[vendor])}))

    return {
        'ids': '\n'.join(ids['libcamera']),
        'controls': '\n'.join(ctrls['libcamera']),
        'vendor_controls': '\n'.join(vendor_sub)

def fill_template(template, data):

    template = open(template, 'rb').read()
    template = template.decode('utf-8')
    template = string.Template(template)
    return template.substitute(data)

def main(argv):

    # Parse command line arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--mode', '-m', type=str, required=True, choices=['controls', 'properties'],
                        help='Mode of operation')
    parser.add_argument('--output', '-o', metavar='file', type=str,
                        help='Output file name. Defaults to standard output if not specified.')
    parser.add_argument('--ranges', '-r', type=str, required=True,
                        help='Control id range reservation file.')
    parser.add_argument('--template', '-t', dest='template', type=str, required=True,
                        help='Template file name.')
    parser.add_argument('input', type=str, nargs='+',
                        help='Input file name.')

    args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])

    ranges = {}
    with open(args.ranges, 'rb') as f:
        data = open(args.ranges, 'rb').read()
        ranges = yaml.safe_load(data)['ranges']

    controls = []
    for input in args.input:
        with open(input, 'rb') as f:
            data =
            vendor = yaml.safe_load(data)['vendor']
            ctrls = yaml.safe_load(data)['controls']
            controls = controls + [Control(*ctrl.popitem(), vendor) for ctrl in ctrls]

    if args.template.endswith(''):
        data = generate_cpp(controls)
    elif args.template.endswith(''):
        data = generate_h(controls, args.mode, ranges)
        raise RuntimeError('Unknown template type')

    data = fill_template(args.template, data)

    if args.output:
        output = open(args.output, 'wb')

    return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':