/* * Copyright (C) 2015 - 2017 Intel Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** @file ia_dvs2.h * IA_DVS2. This provides access to the DVS2 Host Library. */ #ifndef _IA_DVS2_H_ #define _IA_DVS2_H_ #include <stdio.h> #include <linux/atomisp.h> #include "ia_dvs2_types.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** DVS2 State. * Host code access to the DVS2 api with this. */ typedef struct t_dvs_facade ia_dvs2_state; /** @brief Get the DVS2 version. * * @param[out] version text: version * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function provides the version infomation of DVS2. It is allowed to call this * function at anytime include before initialization of DVS2 library. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_get_version(const char **version); /** @brief Initialize the DVS2 module. * * @param[out] dvs2_state dvs2 state. * This is a pointer to a pointer to a module. * @param[in] log_setup log file setups. * This is a pointer to a structure which contains * log settings. * @param[in] debug_env IA Imaging environment. * This is a pointer to a structure which contains * IA Imaging environment. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function initializes the DVS2 module. This allocates and initializes * internal data structures. This function must always be called before any * other dvs2 function except dvs2_get_version is called. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_init(ia_dvs2_state **dvs2_state, const ia_binary_data *a_aiq_tuning_binary, const ia_cmc_t *cmc, const ia_dvs2_log_setup *log_setup, const ia_env *debug_env); /** @brief Configure the DVS2 module. * * @param[in] dvs2_state dvs2 state. * @param[in] support_config support functionality configuration * @param[in] gdc_config gdc configuration * @param[in] characteristics dvs2 characteristics. * @param[in] digital_zoom_ratio digital zoom ratio. * @param[in] bd_params use binary dump. * If not needed binary dump, then set this to NULL. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function configures the DVS2 module. This allocates and initializes * internal data structures. This function must always be called after dvs2_init * and before any other dvs2 function is called. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_config(ia_dvs2_state *dvs2_state, const ia_dvs2_configuration *config, float digital_zoom_ratio, ia_dvs2_binary_dump_params *bd_params); /** @brief Deinitialize the DVS module. * * @param[in] dvs2_state dvs2 state. * This is a pointer to a module. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function deinitilizes the DVS2 module. This frees the calocated memory. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_deinit(ia_dvs2_state *dvs2_state); /** @brief allocate the DVS2 coefficients. * * @param[in] grid grid info for coefficients. * @param[out] dvs_coefs Pointer to Pointer to hor/ver coefficients. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function allocates the memory of dvs2 coefficients. * allocates the structure: ia_css_dvs2_coefficients, and set the pointer into dvs_coefs. * *dvs_coefs->grid field is filled by input. * *dvs_coefs->hor_coefs, *dvs_coefs->ver_coefs are outputs. * Each member of *dvs_coefs->hor_coefs, *dvs_coefs->ver_coefs are set to allocated memory. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_allocate_coefficients(const struct atomisp_dvs_grid_info *grid, struct atomisp_dis_coefficients **dvs_coefs); /** @brief Free the DVS2 coefficients. * * @param[in] dvs_coefs Pointer to hor/ver coefficients. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function frees the memory of dvs2 coefficients. * Each member of vs_coefs->hor_coefs, dvs_coefs->ver_coefs are freed also. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_free_coefficients(struct atomisp_dis_coefficients *dvs_coefs); /** @brief Get the DVS2 coefficients. * * @param[in] dvs2_state dvs2 state. * This is a pointer to a module. * @param[out] dvs_coefs Pointer to hor/ver coefficients * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function gets the dvs2 coefficients */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_get_coefficients(const ia_dvs2_state *dvs2_state, struct atomisp_dis_coefficients *dvs_coefs); /** @brief Allocate statistics buffer. * * @param[in] grid grid info for statistics. * @param[out] statistics Pointer to pointer to Grid statistics from ISP * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * Returns allocated DVS statistics. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_allocate_statistics(const struct atomisp_dvs_grid_info *grid, struct atomisp_dvs2_statistics **statistics); /** @brief Free statistics buffer. * * @param[in] statistics Pointer to Grid statistics from ISP * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * Free the statistics buffer. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_free_statistics(struct atomisp_dvs2_statistics *statistics); /** @brief Set the DVS2 statistics. * * @param[in] dvs2_state dvs2 state. * This is a pointer to a module. * @param[in] statistics Pointer to Grid statistics from ISP * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function receives the inner product from the ISP. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_set_statistics(ia_dvs2_state *dvs2_state, const struct atomisp_dvs2_statistics *statistics); /** @brief Execute DVS2 main process. * * @param[in] dvs2_state dvs2 state. * This is a pointer to a module. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function processes the DVS2 main functionality. This generates a * GDC morphing table. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_execute(ia_dvs2_state *dvs2_state); /** @brief allocate the DVS2 morphing table. * * @param[in] dvs2_state dvs2 state. * This is a pointer to a module. * @param[out] morph_table Pointer to Pointer to morphing table. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function allocates the memory of dvs2 morphing table. * This allocates the struct atomisp_dvs_6axis_config itself, and the members in the structure. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_allocate_morph_table(ia_dvs2_state *dvs2Lib, struct atomisp_dvs_6axis_config **morph_table); /** @brief Free the DVS2 morphing table. * * @param[in] morph_table Pointer to morphing table. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function frees the memory of dvs2 morphing table. * Each allocated member in morph_table, and morph_table itself are freed. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_free_morph_table(struct atomisp_dvs_6axis_config *morph_table); /** @brief Get the GDC morphing table. * * @param[in] dvs2_state dvs2 state. * This is a pointer to a module. * @param[out] morph_table Pointer to the GDC morph table * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function gets the calculated GDC morphing table. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_get_morph_table(ia_dvs2_state *dvs2_state, struct atomisp_dvs_6axis_config *morph_table); /** @brief Output log of the GDC morphing table. * * @param[in] dvs2_state dvs2 state. * This is a pointer to a module. * @param[in] log_path log file path. * This is a pointer to a log file path. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function outputs the calculated GDC morphing table log. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_morph_table_log(ia_dvs2_state *dvs2_state, const char *log_path); /** @brief Set no blanking ratio. * * @param[in] dvs2_state dvs2 state. * This is a pointer to a module. * @param[in] nonblanking_ratio non blanking ratio. * Value 0.0 means no rolling shutter correction. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function specifies the rolling shutter correction effect. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_set_non_blank_ratio(ia_dvs2_state *dvs2_state, float nonblanking_ratio); /** @brief Set the local motion coring threshold. * * @param[in] dvs2_state dvs2 state. * This is a pointer to a module. * @param[in] min_local_motion local motion coring threshold. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function specifies the local motion coring threshold. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_set_min_local_motion(ia_dvs2_state *dvs2_state, float min_local_motion); /** @brief Set Cut off frequency (for video only). * * @param[in] dvs2_state dvs2 state. * This is a pointer to a module. * @param[in] cutoff_frequency cut off frequency. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function specifies the cut off frequency. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_set_cut_off_frequency(ia_dvs2_state *dvs2_state, float *cutoff_frequency); /** @brief Set digital zoom magnitude. * * @param[in] dvs2_state dvs2 state. * This is a pointer to a module. * @param[in] magnitude digital zoom magnitude * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function specifies the digital zoom magnitude */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_set_digital_zoom_magnitude(ia_dvs2_state *dvs2_state, float magnitude); /* */ /** @brief Set Distortion Coefficient. * * @param[in] dvs2_state dvs2 state. * This is a pointer to a module. * @param[in] distortion distortion coefficients. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function specifies the distortion coefficient. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_set_distortion_coeff(ia_dvs2_state *dvs2_state, const ia_dvs2_distortion_coefs *distortion); /** @brief Set the wavelength of detector vector in BQs. * * @param[in] dvs2_state dvs2 state. * This is a pointer to a module. * @param[in] wave_length wave length of detector vector in BQs. * recommended: 1.0*AreaSize for DVS * 0.5*AreaSize for DIS * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function specifies the avelength of detector vector. * This re-calculates the coefficients, so should call dvs2_get_coefficients() * after this was called. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_set_wave_length(ia_dvs2_state *dvs2_state, float wave_length); /** @brief Reset the inter_frame parameter. * * @param[in] dvs2_state dvs2 state. * This is a pointer to a module. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function resets the inter_frame parameter. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_reset_interframe_parameter(ia_dvs2_state *dvs2_state); /** @brief Get the pointer to inner product. * @param[in] dvs2_state dvs2 state. * This is a pointer to a module. * @param[out] v_product pointer to a pointer to the virtical inner product. * @param[out] h_product pointer to a pointer to the horizontal inner product. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function provides the pointer to the inner product. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_get_prod_ptr(const ia_dvs2_state *dvs2_state, float **v_product, float **h_product); /** @brief Set enable flag to main log module. * * @param[in] dvs2_state dvs2 state. * This is a pointer to a module. * @param[in] enable Enable flag. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function sets enable flag to main log module. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_set_enable_info_log(ia_dvs2_state *dvs2_state, int enable); /** @brief Set enable flag to GDC log module. * * @param[in] dvs2_state dvs2 state. * This is a pointer to a module. * @param[in] enable Enable flag. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function sets enable flag to GDC log module. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_set_enable_gdc_log(ia_dvs2_state *dvs2_state, int enable); /** @brief Set enable flag to FP log module. * * @param[in] dvs2_state dvs2 state. * This is a pointer to a module. * @param[in] enable Enable flag. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function sets enable flag to FP log module. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_set_enable_fp_log(ia_dvs2_state *dvs2_state, int enable); /** @brief Check gdc constraints * * @param[in] dvs2_state dvs2 state. * This is a pointer to a module. * @param[out] valid 1 for gdc setup is valid, 0 for invalid. * @param[in] gdc_hw_config GDC hardware configuration info. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function checks whether gdc setup is valid or not. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_check_gdc_constraints(ia_dvs2_state *dvs2_state, int *valid, ia_dvs2_gdc_hw_configuration *gdc_hw_config); /** @brief Start dvs2 debug log. * * @param[in] endless true for endess mode, false for full-end mode. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function sets enable to debug log. * Endless mode dumps log into buffer circularly. * Full-end mode dumps log into buffer by full. * If buffer is full, stops to dump in full-end mode. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_start_dbglog(bool endless); /** @brief Stop dvs2 debug log. * * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function sets disable to debug log. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_stop_dbglog(void); /** @brief Resets dvs2 debug log. * * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function resets the buffer counter to 0 and clear the buffer (fill by 0). * In full-end mode, log is activated again. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_reset_dbglog(void); /** @brief Denitiaize dvs2 debug log. * * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function deinitializes dvs2 debug log. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_deinit_dbglog(void); /** @brief Set enable flag to item of binary dump. * * @param[in] item binary dump item. * @param[in] enable Enable flag. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function sets enable flag to item of binary dump. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_set_enable_dbglog_item(ia_dvs2_binary_dump_item item, bool enable); /** @brief Writes binary dump data into the file. * * @param[in] fp file pointer to be writen log. * @return 0 for no error, others for error. * * This function writes log into the file. */ LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_fwrite_dbglog(FILE *fp); LIBEXPORT ia_err dvs_dump_prods(ia_dvs2_state *dvs2_state, const struct atomisp_dvs2_statistics *dvs_stats); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _IA_DVS2_H_ */